Letter from the Editor: April 2014

Dear Reader,

Hello and welcome to your re-vamped eCampus News (eCN) digital edition. From a change in layout to a broader discussion of current topics in higher education, I hope you enjoy our ongoing efforts to provide you with the best delivery of higher-ed technology and innovation news available today.

One of my mother’s fondest sayings is “The one constant in life is change,” and like the wise French woman she is, I’ve found that saying to be true, applying to all aspects of life—from higher education to publishing.

In this April 2014 edition, you’ll not only find more relevant [and controversial] articles discussing the world’s fast-sweeping movements—online learning, open access, and mobile technology—but many of these articles aren’t just written by our talented writers (who, from The Chronicle of Education award-winner, Jake New, to online learning policy expert, Dennis Carter, have extensive knowledge of the higher-ed arena), they’re also written by your peers.

eCN has now become the foremost publication for providing college and university staff, professors, and administrators with a platform for voicing their opinions and research on higher education and technology matters.

Just last month we had 22 pieces published by contributors, ranging from campus IT admin to innovation-curious professors on a spectrum of topics; and this April edition is no exception: From how digital publishing is changing higher-ed to the unspoken MOOC discussions, and from advice on how to develop your own online course to the importance of faculty training in mobile learning, you’ll be in on the ground-breaking conversations happening on campuses across the country.

I hope you enjoy the new look of eCN and appreciate your support as we continue to update our digital publication and website to better reflect the constantly-evolving world of news publishing. I also strongly encourage you to be part of our flourishing community of readers and send your submissions for consideration to our Associate Online Editor, Michael Sharnoff, at msharnoff@ecampusnews.com. Have a thought you’d like to express? Advice or best practices you think your peers could use? Michael’s your man, and he’d love to hear from you.

From all of the writers and editors here in D.C., and especially from me, welcome to a more communal eCN—I’m excited to adventure into this new era of change with you!


Meris Stansbury, Managing Editor


[Click the image to go to the NEW eCampus News digital edition]

eCampus News Digital Edition

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